Responsive Youth for Climate Action
Youth Participation against Climate Change
A project co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
Project duration: 01/11/2023 - 01/11/2025
About us
We are a group of youths learning about Climate Change and Sustainability. We are taking part in this project to come together with other peers and inform eachothers, share and most of all ACT against Climate Change in our everyday life, (with) in our communities and in synergies with grassroots organizations and istitutions.
Our Activities
Check out below to learn about our past, current and future activities
Our Goals
What we want to archieve with this project
To raise awarenes
about climate change and environmental issues, by improving knowledge on the issue, fostering positive examples of sustainable living, exchanging experiences and mutual learning, raising the capacity of critical thinking.
To empower and activate
To make our voice heard by both the civil society and the local institutions and as well improve our knowledge of those territories we live in.
To participate
in the European discourse on Climate change and finally to elaborate policy suggestions that they to present to the European policy makers through open roundtables.
Discover the Ecoguides
We are full of guides all around giving us suggestions on things to do or not to do in order to make our part in the fight against Climate Change.
We have studied these guides to develop a simple-to-understand yet exhaustive guide structure.
Each guide is location-based and collaboratively build up.
Besides the main 10 sections that are included in the guide, all the content can be collectively edited in our wiki-style template.
From Our Blog
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