Project Officially Started
In the end of November 2023 the project officially started. The partner organizations started to organize for the Kick Off Meeting
Kick Off meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria
Hosted by the organization Walktogether Bulgaria, we met in Sofia to kick start the project. Together the partner organizations reviewed all the project activity flow, making sure each member of the consortium had project goals and results to archieve cleared out of any possible misunderstanding. We made sure all the potential doubts were cleared out and we started to plan for the coming project activities: local promotion events and the first big transnational meeting coming in May 2024.
Local PromoEvents
Each partner came back from the KOM with the first step to implement: setting up a local event in their community to start to make the project known within their organizational and social circles. These events were as well a moment to share with our local community the opportunities that this project would have brought them, first of the one being the May 2024 mobility in Lithuania.
RYCA Youth Exchange
Participants from Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, and Germany gathered in Trakai, Lithuania, for the mobility week of the RYCA project: Responsive Youth for Climate Action. During this event, they reflected on ways to enhance community life by raising awareness about climate change and fostering a more sustainable environment.
Codesigned Local Events
The YE local events will one one hand empower the youths implementing them, as they will be challenged to access their local communities and communicate with them about the environmental topic; on the other hand the events will be multiplicators of the project impact, as they will involve even more youths both in participating and in interacting with the project’s topics.
Ecoguide production
An interactive, online template that allows the user to autonomously map the obstacles and opportunities presented by their territory in regard to a more environmentally friendly life.
RYCA Training Course
During the Training Course, the participants learned how to identify the opportunities and challenges offered by their territories of origin, how to interact with local institutions and they were challenged to imagine concrete action to implement at home in their local communities.
TC Local Actions
Transeuropean local actions will be carried on the territories of each project partner. These events, open to the public, will be designed by each EAN group on the basis of local needs and objectives.
Project Activities
Our project has officially started in the end of November 2023. Since then we have carried out local and transnational activities with over 200 youths involved after 8 months of project. You can find all the details by clicking on the single activities below.