
Energy is a cornerstone of modern life, powering our homes, transportation, and industries. However, the way we produce and consume energy has significant environmental implications, contributing to climate change and resource depletion. Embracing sustainable energy practices is crucial for reducing carbon emissions, promoting environmental health, and ensuring energy security

Tips on energy conservation

  • Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances: when replacing household appliances, opt for models with high energy efficiency ratings (such as those labeled A+++ in the EU energy label system). Energy-efficient appliances consume less electricity, reducing both energy bills and environmental impact.
  • Implement LED lighting: replace incandescent and fluorescent bulbs with LED lights. LEDs use up to 80% less energy and last significantly longer, offering both cost savings and reduced energy consumption.
  • Optimize heating and cooling: proper insulation of your home can drastically reduce the need for heating in winter and cooling in summer. Seal drafts, insulate walls and roofs, and consider double-glazed windows. Also, regularly maintain heating systems to ensure they operate efficiently.
  • Utilize programmable thermostats: installing a programmable or smart thermostat allows you to control heating and cooling systems more effectively, ensuring energy isn’t wasted when you’re not home or during sleeping hours.
  • Unplug idle electronics: many devices consume energy even when turned off but still plugged in, a phenomenon known as “phantom load.” Unplug chargers, computers, and other electronics when not in use, or use power strips to easily switch off multiple devices at once.
  • Adopt renewable energy sources: consider installing solar panels or solar water heaters for your home. While there is an initial investment, renewable energy systems can significantly reduce electricity bills and environmental impact over time.
  • Efficient water heating: set your water heater to an optimal temperature (typically around 50°C). Insulate the heater and associated pipes to retain heat longer, reducing the energy needed to maintain temperatures.
  • Mindful cooking practices: use lids on pots to speed up cooking, match pot sizes to burner sizes, and consider using pressure cookers or microwaves, which are more energy-efficient for certain tasks.
  • Regular maintenance: ensure that all household systems, from HVAC to appliances, are regularly maintained. Well-maintained equipment operates more efficiently and has a longer lifespan.


Opportunities for energy sustainable use 

Solar panels and other energy-efficient systems

Government incentives and subsidies

  • The Italian government, along with local Piacenza authorities, offers various incentives for energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy installations, such as the “Ecobonus” and “Superbonus 110%”. These programs can cover a significant portion of the costs for qualifying projects. For more information, visit the official municipal website or consult with authorized financial advisors.
  • Ecobonus: It is the contribution provided by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy for the purchase of non-polluting vehicles.
  • Superbonus 110%: Introduced as part of Italy’s economic recovery efforts, the Superbonus allows homeowners to claim tax deductions of up to 110% on the cost of energy-saving renovations, such as thermal insulation, solar panels, heat pumps, and earthquake-proofing.

Energy auditing services

Companies like EffeViSolar provide consulting services on the energetic efficiency of a building or other structures. With this information you can make your house more efficient, consuming less energy and saving money
Via Leon D’oro 2, 43039, Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)Via Leon D’oro 2, 43039, Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)
[email protected]

Educational workshops and seminars

  • Politecnico di Milano – Piacenza Campus: often hosts seminars and workshops on sustainable energy, renewable technologies, and environmental engineering. Participating in these events can provide valuable knowledge and networking opportunities.

Public transportation and mobility

  • Promoting the use of Piacenza’s efficient public transportation system reduces individual energy consumption related to transportation. Additionally, the city has invested in cycling paths and bike-sharing programs, offering sustainable mobility options. See Transportation & Travel section.

Waste-to-energy programs

  • Support and participate in local waste management programs that focus on recycling and composting. Proper waste management reduces landfill use and can contribute to energy production through biogas facilities. 

Green building certifications


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