Fix, Restore, Repeat: The Beauty of Repair Cafés
Have you ever heard of the term “Repair cafe” ? If not, let’s introduce – Repair Café is an organisation with venues set up to provide people with a place to gather and work on repairing objects of everyday life, such as electronics, mechanical devices, computers, bicycles, and clothing. Repair Cafés are typically held at community locations including churches, libraries, and college campuses where tools are available and device owners can fix their broken goods with the help of volunteers. Repair cafes are usually a part of Grassroots movement (an initiative to provide local communities with a space to to implement change at the local, regional, national, or international levels).
Why is it important?
In today’s context we have a lot of waste created though trends, especially electronic devices – each year a new smartphone, laptop, tablet, reader, earphones or any kind of electronics are being released as new improved updates, to the point that it’s hard, unsustainable both financially and environmentally to keep up with such quick pace of life cycle. Another point is that electronics are no longer made to last years and decades, we as consumers are expected to keep up. A lot of parts of different electronics are irreplaceable or it costs close to what a new device would add up to. Some parts have to be shipped from abroad, and somehow a repairman has to make a living out of it. That’s why after a warranty expires, it becomes a hassle and quite expensive to repair an item. But what if you like it a lot, and do not want to proceed with buying something new for the sake of having a new thing? Either you become your own handyman, or try to find a solution. First Repair Cafe was opened back in 2009 in Amsterdam by Dutch journalist Martine Postma, who wanted to introduce sustainable ideas to the community. On 2 March 2010, the Repair Café Foundation was set up. The foundation was formed to support local groups around the world in setting up their own Repair Cafés and since that there are more than 1000 Repair Cafes around the world.
..Ok, what’s behind it?
Repair Café is not only about repairing broken items in a fixed location. It is also about commoning the tools, spaces, knowledge, and skills, dedicating it to sustainability and helping someone in community. Everyone who is joining the cafe has this communal feeling of helping each other – borrowing things needed for repairs, for example – borrowing a screwdriver instead of buying it individually, or just coming with an attitude to help someone – guide them, sharing their knowledge or simply helping them repair the item. Besides that, In 2017, the Repair Café Foundation developed an online tool—RepairMonitor—enabling volunteers to collect and share knowledge about repair data via the database. In March 2018, information about almost 4,000 repairs had been entered into this system, aiming to promote repairability and durability of products – you can look for answers here yourself, maybe you can find exactly the problem or an item you’d wish to repair but struggling with the knowledge on how to do it exactly.
Benefits of Repair Cafes
The ecological impact of Repair Cafés’ workshops is tangible and significant, resulting in more than 170 tonnes of waste avoided in 2019 in Brussels and Wallonia. Repair remains one of the shortest cycles in the circular economy, producing the least amount of waste and pollutants. Moreover, through the concrete action they embody, Repair Cafés have a direct effect on changing people’s attitudes for a more sustainable world.
Aside from the sustainability aspect, Repair Cafés offer a social benefit as well, providing a space to meet individuals with the same interests or facilitate connections in the local community. At the same time, it also helps to reintegrate isolated or marginalised people, whether they are simple visitors or volunteer members. Finally, it enhances skills that are sometimes disparaged and it generates self-confidence on a technical, relational and communicational level.
As well, Repair Cafés are an undeniable gear in the circular economy as they promote eco-design, reuse and a change in business model.
By lithuanian eco-mmunity activators Team