
the Ecommunity Activators Network

We are a group of 30+ youths coming from Italy, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria and Lithuania. Together we are taking part in transnational and local initiatives that have as their goals to bring together education about Climate Change, awareness and competences and skills to act in our everyday life.  

So far the network has sarted to grow from the mobility that was hosted in Lithuania in May 2024 and all those events we’re carrying out through Summer 2024. 

But we have good news for you, the network is growing and you’re welcome to join! Go below to discover how to reach out and check out the Activity section to be updated on the latest news coming for the project!


Youths involved

What We Are Doing

We're educating ourselves and our peers to be environmentally aware: in our everyday life, in our communities, and in relation to the policies that impact us.