

Darom – “Let’s do it LT” is the Lithuanian branch of “Let’s do it world”, a civic organisation founded in Estonia with the aim of cleaning the environment from garbage. Every Year they organise multiple “Clean Up Days”, inviting volunteers from all around the country to clean a specific part of their city together. In a single day incredible quantities of waste are collected thanks to everyone’s active participation in making their home cleaner.

On 1st of June 700 volunteers gathered and removed 3.4 tons of garbage in the span of 3 hours. All that garbage would have polluted both the soil, the water and could have posed a issue for natural life

Over time, Mes Darom has obviously evolved and now their programmes cover different topics and activities during the year. Their mission is to educate society, especially young people, increase awareness about the environment and gather community, creating a positive change that helps restore damaged nature and preserve it for the future .

“Let’s do it with SDG” An interactive online map on On Darmon website, where everyone can request assistance to clean a specific spot; description and photos can be posted at to get in touch with other people. 

In addition, everyone can register their environmental initiative and receive support to implement it; previously implemented projects are also narrated in the website, hoping to inspire more people to create their own.

“We Do it By…” Festivals organised by Darom that combine environmental protection, culture and entertainment. This year “We Do it by the lake” was held at Zarasas Lake and “We do it by the sea” took place in Klaipedia. Both events were free to attend and attracted a huge crowd.

Free distribution of pocket cigarette butt box: Darom is distributing free butt boxes, to prevent cigarette butts being discarded in nature; the box can be obtained in multiple collection points.

Ecological events around Vilnius 

Some of the ecological event around Vilnius includes:

  • Ploggin Lithuania: a run between Vilnius and Kaunas, aimed at collecting garbage found along the route
  • Miesto laboratorija:  An educational community space in VIlnius, focused on creating a sustainable and environmentally friendly community to promote  more ideas and initiative for a greener future. They emphasise small/balcony gardens, vegetable growing and sustainable kitchens. Considered the most important social business example in VIlnius, their fundraising is almost completely granted by their caffe.
  • The project also hosts an eco-innovation space, a hydroponic garden, an educational garden, a gallery and an outdoor DIY playground for children. They organise multiple green workshops and educational projects in collaboration with Vilnius Schools. More about their initiative can be read at 
  • I love Forest: Public Institution Myliu mišką is a non-profit organisation, with the main goal of extending the Lithuanian forest area and decreasing the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere. With 3 euros you can contribute to plant a tree!
  • Vilnius Green Capital: WIth the goal of making VIlnius greener, every spring and autumn, the City Municipality invites citizens and companies to plant trees and bushes around their apartments and buildings. People can request to receive free seeds choosing from a list and to plant them following instructions provided. During each session around 2800 seeds are planted around the city, making it even greener!
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