Waste, Recycling and Upcycling

How to not get a fine in Germany for simple thing?

We know that Germans are known for their love of rules, and in many cases, this is true. Over the years, they have adopted a meticulous and effective recycling system, sorting trash and reducing landfill waste. Germany also has high recycling rates, with around 68% of packaging waste being recycled!

To separate trash correctly, people use five types of bins: blue for paper and cardboard; yellow for plastic and metal packaging; brown for bio-waste; grey for residual waste; and glass, which has three different bins for white, green, and brown glass. Although each state manages fines differently, if you fail to recycle or dispose of trash improperly, you can be fined anywhere from 10 to 1,500 euros.

As Germany produces 30 million tons of garbage annually, they created the Green Dot system. This initiative has been very successful and helps reduce packaging waste. According to the system, manufacturers and retailers must pay a “Green Dot” fee based on the amount of packaging their products use. The more packaging a product has, the higher the fee, and for products with less packaging, the fee is lower.

The deposit system in Germany is one of the best initiatives in the country. Introduced in the 1990s, this system requires people to pay an additional deposit when purchasing bottled products. For example, if a drink bottle costs €0.50, that is not the final price you pay. A deposit fee is added, which ranges from 8 to 15 cents per bottle for multi-use bottles and 25 cents per bottle or can for single-use items. All bottles subject to this deposit are marked with a sign on their label.

From wine bottle to lamp:

In Berlin, there is a shop called “WesternTrash” where people can buy amazing lamps made from recycled old wine bottles. These lamps are purchased not only by individual customers but also by restaurants for their decor. You can find these lamps in restaurants like Katerschmaus and Pauly Saal. Additionally, if you’re a larger buyer, you can bring your own bottle and request a custom design to suit your personal preferences.

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