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Deleted: <h4><b>Public Transport in Kaunas: Easy, Affordable, and Eco-Friendly</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaunas has an</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">easy-to-use and relatively affordable public transport network, offering commuters various travel discounts. Buses and trolleybuses are the main modes of transport, providing residents and visitors with convenient ways to navigate the city.</span></p><h4><b>Modernization and Environmental Initiatives</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">As part of Kaunas’ ongoing efforts to modernize and make the city greener, Kaunas has prioritized the improvement of its public transport system. Significant investments have been made in hybrid buses, specifically the new </span><b>“MAN Lion’s City 12” </b><span style="font-weight: 400">bus. These buses are powered by an electric motor and a smaller-than-usual internal combustion engine. This hybrid technology makes them more eco-friendly, reducing emissions and noise, and improving overall efficiency. It is estimated that these hybrid buses may be </span><b>seven times better for the environment</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> compared to a standard motor vehicle. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400"> Another crucial improvement in Kaunas’ public transport system is the replacement of the city’s aging trolleybuses, which have been serving commuters since the </span><b>1980s.</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> They have been replaced with newly purchased low-floor electric trolleybuses. The new models are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately </span><b>2,500 tonnes annually</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, making Kaunas a greener city. </span></p><h4><b>Ticketing Options</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaunas public transport system is not only </span><b>eco-friendly</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> but also </span><b>affordable</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>easy</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> to use. There are </span><b>three </b><span style="font-weight: 400">main ways to purchase a bus or trolley bus ticket:</span></p><ul><li><b>Single-use paper tickets.</b> <span style="font-weight: 400">You can buy a single-use, </span><b>non-transferable</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> paper ticket from the driver for </span><b>€1. </b></li><li><b>The “Žiogas” app.</b> <span style="font-weight: 400">For a more convenient option, the </span><b>“Žiogas”</b> <b>app</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> allows you to purchase tickets on your phone. Using the app, a single bus trip costs only </span><b>€0,70</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> instead of €1. Additionally, you are allowed </span><b>one free transfer</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> within 30 minutes of validating your ticket. To use the app, simply add money to your account, and when you board a bus or trolleybus, scan the QR code, and immediately validate your ticket. It’s important to validate your ticket, as there is bus control that frequently checks commuters’ tickets.</span></li><li><b>The “Žiogas” card.</b> <span style="font-weight: 400">If you prefer a physical card, the </span><b>“Žiogas” electronic ticket card </b><span style="font-weight: 400">is available for purchase for </span><b>€1,5</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> at various supermarkets and gas stations in Kaunas. You can load money directly onto the card, and like the app, a single trip costs </span><b>€0,70.</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> You can also transfer within the first 30 minutes of validating your ticket. To use the card, simply tap your card on the scanner when boarding.</span></li></ul><p><b>If you plan to stay in Kaunas for longer</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, the </span><b>“Žiogas” card</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> is your best option. Once the value of your validated single tickets reaches the value of the monthly pass (28 euros without a discount), you </span><b>no longer have to pay for travel</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> for the remainder of the month.</span></p><p><b>Students can also enjoy a 50% discount on both single-use and monthly tickets. </b><span style="font-weight: 400">For international students, it’s recommended to invest in an </span><b>ISIC card</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> rather than relying solely on a university student ID. When purchasing your </span><b>“Žiogas” card</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, be sure to inform the seller of your discount category. If you prefer the app, you can easily adjust the settings yourself. Remember to </span><b>always carry proof of your discount</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> to avoid fines during ticket inspections.</span></p><p><b>Additionally,</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> many other groups are also eligible for discounts, such as </span><b>people with disabilities</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and the </span><b>elderly</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. For more detailed information on the different discounts click </span><a href=""><b>here</b></a><b>.</b></p><p> </p><h4><b>A Vision for the Future</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">There is hope that by renewing Kaunas public transport system, the city will become greener by not only </span><b>reducing emissions</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>improving efficiency</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, but also providing commuters with a more </span><b>comfortable</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>positive commute experience</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, encouraging residents to opt for a cheaper, more </span><b>sustainable </b><span style="font-weight: 400">mode of travel over motor vehicles.</span></p><p> </p><h4><b>Embracing Greener Ways of Driving in Kaunas: Car Sharing</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Although using public transport is the most </span><b>green</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>cost-effective</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> way to get around Kaunas, longer commutes outside the city might require a car. Car sharing services are a great solution if you only need a vehicle for a day or even a few hours. These services provide the </span><b>convenience </b><span style="font-weight: 400">of having a car without the long-term commitment or the expenses of owning a private vehicle. Car sharing eliminates all the costs that come with car ownership, such as road tax, insurance, and legally required inspections. All you have to do is reserve a car through a car sharing service and the car is yours to use.</span></p><h4><b>Top Car Sharing Services in Kaunas</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Currently, there are </span><b>three popular car sharing services</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> in Kaunas. Here’s a brief overview of each:</span></p><ul><li><b>Citybee -</b><b> </b><span style="font-weight: 400">Citybee was the </span><b>first car sharing service</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> introduced in Kaunas, launching in </span><b>2013</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. The initial Citybee car parking area was established right next to the Kaunas train station. Citybee is </span><b>user-friendly</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> - all you need to do is download the </span><b>Citybee app</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, fill in your personal details, including proof of a valid driver’s licence, and reserve a suitable vehicle for your trip! After completing your commute, you simply leave the vehicle in a designated Citybee parking area.<br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400">The cost of your trip is calculated by adding the time of use of the car and the kilometres driven. If you are planning a longer trip, </span><b>travel packages</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> can also help you save money. Citybee is valuable in a city like Kaunas, striving to become greener. It offers the </span><b>flexibility</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> of using a car without the necessity of owning one, and you can even opt for an electric vehicle to </span><b>reduce your CO2 emissions.</b></li><li><b>Bolt -</b><b> </b><span>Bolt entered the Kaunas market in </span><b>2023</b><span> with the aim of </span><b>reducing air pollution</b><span> and the number of </span><b>private vehicles</b><span> on the city roads. This service operates similarly to Citybee, allowing users to easily reserve a vehicle through the </span><b>Bolt app</b><span>. Bolt calculates the cost of your trip based on the time of use and the kilometres drive. Similarly to Citybee, they also offer </span><b>travel packages</b><span>, allowing you to </span><b>save money</b><span> on longer trips.</span></li><li><b>Spark - </b><span>Spark, the car sharing service that launched in Kaunas in </span><b>2023</b><span>, sets itself apart from the competing services by offering </span><b>only electric vehicles</b><span>. This provides drivers with certain privileges, such as the ability to use </span><b>A+ lanes</b><span> on the road to avoid standing in traffic. Spark aims to encourage the use of more </span><b>environmentally friendly</b><span> vehicles. The reservation process is similar to Citybee and Bolt, conducted through the </span><b>Spark app.</b><span> Pricing is also calculated based on driving time and distance. However, one standout feature of Spark is the ability to collect</span><b> eGO points</b><span>, which can be redeemed for </span><b>free trips</b><span>, making it an attractive option for more regular users of car sharing services.</span></li></ul><p> </p><h4><b>Driving Kaunas Toward a Greener Future</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">These car sharing services offer residents the flexibility of renting out a car for a few hours or days without the additional fees that come with car ownership. By promoting these services, Kaunas is not only </span><b>modernizing</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> its transportation options but also becoming a more environmentally friendly city. By providing residents with the tools to make </span><b>eco-conscious decisions,</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> Kaunas is steadily transforming into a </span><b>green, forward-thinking urban center.</b></p><p> </p><h4><b>Eco-Friendly Adventures: Bike and Scooter Renting in Kaunas</b></h4><h4><span style="font-weight: 400">While taking a bus, trolleybus, or car are always great options to get around Kaunas, there are other possibilities. Renting a bike or scooter is a great way to get to know the city first-hand. Kaunas prides itself on making sure that residents can travel around in these more eco-friendly ways by creating new bike lines to ensure your safety during your ride.</span></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaunas will continue to develop its bicycle path infrastructure. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">The Ministry of Transport allocated record </span><b>European Union (EU) investments</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> for the development of pedestrian and bicycle path infrastructure in Lithuania by </span><b>2027</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, approximately </span><b>100 million euros</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. Of this sum, </span><b>4 million</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> will be invested into Kaunas. However, there is no need to wait till then, Kaunas already offers many routes and trails to explore the city.</span></p><p> </p><h4><b>Bolt's Electric Scooters and Bikes Revolutionize Kaunas’ City Transport</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">The most popular bicycle and scooter rental service in Kaunas is </span><b>Bolt.</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> The Bolt electric scooters first arrived in Kaunas in </span><b>2019</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, after they became immensely popular in Vilnius, offering residents a new, </span><b>fun</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> way to get around the city. Today, Bolt scooters have become a daily mode of transportation for many Kaunas residents going to work or school.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">The scooters can be easily rented through the </span><b>Bolt app</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. Each scooter has a GPS device, allowing you to see scooters parked nearby. To rent one, all you need to do is scan the QR on the scooter, and begin your ride. After finishing your trip, the app displays in which areas parking is allowed. You should leave your scooter in a safe place away from the pedestrian path to ensure others safety. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">After completing the trip, it is not necessary to leave the scooter in places marked with “Bolt”. All used devices are collected and transported back to their main parking areas daily. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Bolt scooters cost </span><b>€</b><b>0,11</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> per minute. </span><b>However,</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> if you plan to use the scooter for longer, there are also </span><b>subscriptions</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> allowing you to travel by scooter for cheaper with a weekly or monthly plan.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">After Bolt scooters became a popular mode of transport enjoyed by many Kaunas residents, Bolt introduced an </span><b>electric bike</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> rental service in </span><b>2022</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. The bikes have been created to ensure cyclists’ </span><b>safety </b><span style="font-weight: 400">and </span><b>comfort</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. The cyclist has access to a smart dashboard that tracks speed, battery-charging level, and warns about the speed restrictions applied in the city. The advanced GPS system can help you find the best route. Additionally, there is a phone charger integrated in the steering structure, which can make sure you never have to worry about your phone battery.</span></p><p><b>Additionally</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, the bike frame is made of </span><b>100% recyclable aluminium</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, and the integrated battery can be replaced. This means that the maintenance team will not have to load the bikes to the warehouse every time, which significantly </span><b>reduces carbon dioxide emissions</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and allows you to maintain an attractive price for the service. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">The Bolt e-bikes can also be rented through</span><b> the Bolt app</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, the same way as the scooters. The electric bikes cost </span><b>€</b><b>0,13</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> per minute. </span></p><p> </p><h4><b>Trails of Kaunas</b></h4><p><a href=""><b>“Like Bike Kaunas”</b></a><span style="font-weight: 400"> is an initiative, striving to brand Kaunas as the first city in the Baltic states </span><b>fully adapted</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> for cyclists. Like Bike aims to make the bicycle a common means of transport in the Kaunas region. <br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400">One of the ways this initiative hopes to achieve its goal is by establishing </span><b>new bike routes </b><span style="font-weight: 400">around Kaunas. Here’s a few of the many routes you can try out:</span></p><ul><li><b>“Miesto Širdis” (“The Heart of the City”) route - </b><span style="font-weight: 400">This 6.5 km route winds through the very center of the city, the heart of Kaunas.The scenic route will showcase the true face of Kaunas: full of photogenic interwar architecture, pleasant bustle, nature, and flowing rivers. You can diversify your trip by cooling off at the fountains, stopping for a picnic in Santaka Park or grabbing a coffee in one of the many cafes. </span></li><li><b>“The Romantic Way” route - </b><span style="font-weight: 400">The Pažaislis monastery, the surrounding pine forest, and the yacht club are all located around the scenic Kaunas lagoon, connected by the “The Romantic Way” cycling route. This new bike path allows you to immerse yourself in nature. If you get hungry along the way, you can stop for lunch at the restaurant located in the yacht club or enjoy a romantic picnic by the water. The route is approximately 3 km long, making it a perfect route for a date after work. </span></li><li><b>“The Weekend Challenge” - </b>T<span style="font-weight: 400">his cycling route offers a great way to kickstart your weekend, providing both a leisurely experience and a challenge for those seeking a longer ride. The 20 kilometre route, connecting Kaunas to Zapyškis, showcases some of the most beautiful views of the forest and the river. Along the way, cyclists can take a break at a grill area in Kačergė, a great spot to relax and recharge. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">The floating pier of Kačerginė is also worth visiting.At the last stop of the route, you’ll be greeted by the charming town of Zapyškis, with its historic homes and the unique Zapyškis church.</span></li></ul><p> </p><h4><b>Sources (Bike and Scooter Renting)</b></h4><ul><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">150-modern-e-bikes-have-arrived-in-kaunas-they-will-work-on-the-principle-of-scooters-rental</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">dviraciu-takams-iki-2027-uju-numatyta-100-mln-euru</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">bolt-elektriniai-paspirtukai-ir-kaune</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">bolt-paspirtuku-planai</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">kaunas-on-a-bike-routes-tips-and-more</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">marsrutai</span></a></li></ul><h4><b>Discovering Kaunas by Water</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">In the summer of 2023, water transport in Kaunas saw a 48% increase in usage compared to 2022, with the ferry “Nevėžis” becoming increasingly popular. This shows that both residents and visitors are eager to connect with the outstanding natural surroundings of Kaunas through a more fun way of travelling by water transport. Additionally, exploring the region by water allows you to discover the charming towns along the banks of the Nemunas river.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">As a city defined by its rivers and lakes, it is important that Kaunas allows travellers to enjoy its waterways. Here’s a brief overview of the ferry and boat rides available to you:</span></p><ul><li><b>The ferry “Nevėžis”- </b><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nevėžis” offers cyclists and pedestrians a convenient way to cross the Nemunas river. It transports passengers from the historic town of Zapyškis, located on the left bank of the river, to Kulautuva on the opposite side, and back. The ferry operates from May to September, though specific beginning and end dates may vary each year.<br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Currently, the ferry runs from Thursday to Sunday. Tickets for adults are </span><span style="font-weight: 400">€</span><span style="font-weight: 400">1, while children up to 7 years old travel for free.<br /></span><b>More detailed information can be found </b><a href="http://keltas-nevezis"><b>here.</b></a></li><li><b>The ferry “Vilkynė”. </b><span style="font-weight: 400">“Vilkynė” is a motorized river ferry that regularly transports passengers and vehicles across the Nemunas river, connecting Vilkija (Kaunas district) with Pavilkija in the Šakiai district. The ferry can accommodate 7-8 cars with a carrying capacity of 40 tons. It operates 180 days a year, from May to early November.. A single ticket is </span><span style="font-weight: 400">€</span><span style="font-weight: 400">1, while crossing with a car (including passengers inside the vehicle) costs </span><span style="font-weight: 400">€6.<br /></span><b>Working hours: </b><span style="font-weight: 400">May, June, July, August, September: Monday-Sunday 7-20:30 p.m. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">October, November: Monday- Sunday 7-19:30 p.m.<br /></span><b>More detailed information can be found </b><a href=""><b>here.</b></a><b> </b></li><li><b>The boat “Zapyškis”<br /></b>Excursions on the Nemunas river are a great opportunity to explore the unique towns within the ​​Kaunas district. Sailing aboard the modern and comfortable boat “Zapyškis”, you will enjoy breathtaking views of the ever-changing riverbank scenery. For those seeking a peaceful escape from the city, the boat offers trips to the nature-rich and architecturally significant towns of Kačerginė, Kulautuva, and Vilkija. The boat operates from May through October.<br />This boat can also be privately rented for larger groups, costing <span></span><span>100 per hour during weekdays and </span><span></span><span>150 per hour on weekends. Additional services include short 45-minute </span><a href=""><span>sightseeing cruises</span></a><span> at  </span><span></span><span>5 per adult ticket,  Sunday trips from Zapyškis to Kačerginė at the same price, and guided excursions to Kačerginė or Kulautuva, which must be booked in advance.<br /></span><b>More detailed information can be found </b><a href=""><b>here.</b></a><b> </b></li></ul><h4><b>Sources (Water transport)</b></h4><ul><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">vandens-turizmas</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">water-tourism</span></a></li></ul><p> </p> Added: <h4><b>Public Transport in Kaunas: Easy, Affordable, and Eco-Friendly</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaunas has an</span> <span style="font-weight: 400">easy-to-use and relatively affordable public transport network, offering commuters various travel discounts. Buses and trolleybuses are the main modes of transport, providing residents and visitors with convenient ways to navigate the city.</span></p><h4><b>Modernization and Environmental Initiatives</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">As part of Kaunas’ ongoing efforts to modernize and make the city greener, Kaunas has prioritized the improvement of its public transport system. Significant investments have been made in hybrid buses, specifically the new </span><b>“MAN Lion’s City 12” </b><span style="font-weight: 400">bus. These buses are powered by an electric motor and a smaller-than-usual internal combustion engine. This hybrid technology makes them more eco-friendly, reducing emissions and noise, and improving overall efficiency. It is estimated that these hybrid buses may be </span><b>seven times better for the environment</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> compared to a standard motor vehicle. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400"> Another crucial improvement in Kaunas’ public transport system is the replacement of the city’s aging trolleybuses, which have been serving commuters since the </span><b>1980s.</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> They have been replaced with newly purchased low-floor electric trolleybuses. The new models are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately </span><b>2,500 tonnes annually</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, making Kaunas a greener city. </span></p><h4><b>Ticketing Options</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaunas public transport system is not only </span><b>eco-friendly</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> but also </span><b>affordable</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>easy</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> to use. There are </span><b>three </b><span style="font-weight: 400">main ways to purchase a bus or trolley bus ticket:</span></p><ul><li><b>Single-use paper tickets.</b> <span style="font-weight: 400">You can buy a single-use, </span><b>non-transferable</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> paper ticket from the driver for </span><b>€1. </b></li><li><b>The “Žiogas” app.</b> <span style="font-weight: 400">For a more convenient option, the </span><b>“Žiogas”</b> <b>app</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> allows you to purchase tickets on your phone. Using the app, a single bus trip costs only </span><b>€0,70</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> instead of €1. Additionally, you are allowed </span><b>one free transfer</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> within 30 minutes of validating your ticket. To use the app, simply add money to your account, and when you board a bus or trolleybus, scan the QR code, and immediately validate your ticket. It’s important to validate your ticket, as there is bus control that frequently checks commuters’ tickets.</span></li><li><b>The “Žiogas” card.</b> <span style="font-weight: 400">If you prefer a physical card, the </span><b>“Žiogas” electronic ticket card </b><span style="font-weight: 400">is available for purchase for </span><b>€1,5</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> at various supermarkets and gas stations in Kaunas. You can load money directly onto the card, and like the app, a single trip costs </span><b>€0,70.</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> You can also transfer within the first 30 minutes of validating your ticket. To use the card, simply tap your card on the scanner when boarding.</span></li></ul><p><b>If you plan to stay in Kaunas for longer</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, the </span><b>“Žiogas” card</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> is your best option. Once the value of your validated single tickets reaches the value of the monthly pass (28 euros without a discount), you </span><b>no longer have to pay for travel</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> for the remainder of the month.</span></p><p><b>Students can also enjoy a 50% discount on both single-use and monthly tickets. </b><span style="font-weight: 400">For international students, it’s recommended to invest in an </span><b>ISIC card</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> rather than relying solely on a university student ID. When purchasing your </span><b>“Žiogas” card</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, be sure to inform the seller of your discount category. If you prefer the app, you can easily adjust the settings yourself. Remember to </span><b>always carry proof of your discount</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> to avoid fines during ticket inspections.</span></p><p><b>Additionally,</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> many other groups are also eligible for discounts, such as </span><b>people with disabilities</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and the </span><b>elderly</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. For more detailed information on the different discounts click </span><a href=""><b>here</b></a><b>.</b></p><h4><b>A Vision for the Future</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">There is hope that by renewing Kaunas public transport system, the city will become greener by not only </span><b>reducing emissions</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>improving efficiency</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, but also providing commuters with a more </span><b>comfortable</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>positive commute experience</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, encouraging residents to opt for a cheaper, more </span><b>sustainable </b><span style="font-weight: 400">mode of travel over motor vehicles.</span></p><h4><b>Embracing Greener Ways of Driving in Kaunas: Car Sharing</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Although using public transport is the most </span><b>green</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and </span><b>cost-effective</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> way to get around Kaunas, longer commutes outside the city might require a car. Car sharing services are a great solution if you only need a vehicle for a day or even a few hours. These services provide the </span><b>convenience </b><span style="font-weight: 400">of having a car without the long-term commitment or the expenses of owning a private vehicle. Car sharing eliminates all the costs that come with car ownership, such as road tax, insurance, and legally required inspections. All you have to do is reserve a car through a car sharing service and the car is yours to use.</span></p><h4><b>Top Car Sharing Services in Kaunas</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Currently, there are </span><b>three popular car sharing services</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> in Kaunas. Here’s a brief overview of each:</span></p><ul><li><b>Citybee -</b><b> </b><span style="font-weight: 400">Citybee was the </span><b>first car sharing service</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> introduced in Kaunas, launching in </span><b>2013</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. The initial Citybee car parking area was established right next to the Kaunas train station. Citybee is </span><b>user-friendly</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> - all you need to do is download the </span><b>Citybee app</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, fill in your personal details, including proof of a valid driver’s licence, and reserve a suitable vehicle for your trip! After completing your commute, you simply leave the vehicle in a designated Citybee parking area.<br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400">The cost of your trip is calculated by adding the time of use of the car and the kilometres driven. If you are planning a longer trip, </span><b>travel packages</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> can also help you save money. Citybee is valuable in a city like Kaunas, striving to become greener. It offers the </span><b>flexibility</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> of using a car without the necessity of owning one, and you can even opt for an electric vehicle to </span><b>reduce your CO2 emissions.</b></li><li><b>Bolt -</b><b> </b>Bolt entered the Kaunas market in <b>2023</b> with the aim of <b>reducing air pollution</b> and the number of <b>private vehicles</b> on the city roads. This service operates similarly to Citybee, allowing users to easily reserve a vehicle through the <b>Bolt app</b>. Bolt calculates the cost of your trip based on the time of use and the kilometres drive. Similarly to Citybee, they also offer <b>travel packages</b>, allowing you to <b>save money</b> on longer trips.</li><li><b>Spark - </b>Spark, the car sharing service that launched in Kaunas in <b>2023</b>, sets itself apart from the competing services by offering <b>only electric vehicles</b>. This provides drivers with certain privileges, such as the ability to use <b>A+ lanes</b> on the road to avoid standing in traffic. Spark aims to encourage the use of more <b>environmentally friendly</b> vehicles. The reservation process is similar to Citybee and Bolt, conducted through the <b>Spark app.</b> Pricing is also calculated based on driving time and distance. However, one standout feature of Spark is the ability to collect<b> eGO points</b>, which can be redeemed for <b>free trips</b>, making it an attractive option for more regular users of car sharing services.</li></ul><h4><b>Driving Kaunas Toward a Greener Future</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">These car sharing services offer residents the flexibility of renting out a car for a few hours or days without the additional fees that come with car ownership. By promoting these services, Kaunas is not only </span><b>modernizing</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> its transportation options but also becoming a more environmentally friendly city. By providing residents with the tools to make </span><b>eco-conscious decisions,</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> Kaunas is steadily transforming into a </span><b>green, forward-thinking urban center.</b></p><h4><b>Eco-Friendly Adventures: Bike and Scooter Renting in Kaunas</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">While taking a bus, trolleybus, or car are always great options to get around Kaunas, there are other possibilities. Renting a bike or scooter is a great way to get to know the city first-hand. Kaunas prides itself on making sure that residents can travel around in these more eco-friendly ways by creating new bike lines to ensure your safety during your ride.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Kaunas will continue to develop its bicycle path infrastructure. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">The Ministry of Transport allocated record </span><b>European Union (EU) investments</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> for the development of pedestrian and bicycle path infrastructure in Lithuania by </span><b>2027</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, approximately </span><b>100 million euros</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. Of this sum, </span><b>4 million</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> will be invested into Kaunas. However, there is no need to wait till then, Kaunas already offers many routes and trails to explore the city.</span></p><h4><b>Bolt's Electric Scooters and Bikes Revolutionize Kaunas’ City Transport</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">The most popular bicycle and scooter rental service in Kaunas is </span><b>Bolt.</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> The Bolt electric scooters first arrived in Kaunas in </span><b>2019</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, after they became immensely popular in Vilnius, offering residents a new, </span><b>fun</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> way to get around the city. Today, Bolt scooters have become a daily mode of transportation for many Kaunas residents going to work or school.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">The scooters can be easily rented through the </span><b>Bolt app</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. Each scooter has a GPS device, allowing you to see scooters parked nearby. To rent one, all you need to do is scan the QR on the scooter, and begin your ride. After finishing your trip, the app displays in which areas parking is allowed. You should leave your scooter in a safe place away from the pedestrian path to ensure others safety. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">After completing the trip, it is not necessary to leave the scooter in places marked with “Bolt”. All used devices are collected and transported back to their main parking areas daily. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">Bolt scooters cost </span><b>€</b><b>0,11</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> per minute. </span><b>However,</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> if you plan to use the scooter for longer, there are also </span><b>subscriptions</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> allowing you to travel by scooter for cheaper with a weekly or monthly plan.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">After Bolt scooters became a popular mode of transport enjoyed by many Kaunas residents, Bolt introduced an </span><b>electric bike</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> rental service in </span><b>2022</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. The bikes have been created to ensure cyclists’ </span><b>safety </b><span style="font-weight: 400">and </span><b>comfort</b><span style="font-weight: 400">. The cyclist has access to a smart dashboard that tracks speed, battery-charging level, and warns about the speed restrictions applied in the city. The advanced GPS system can help you find the best route. Additionally, there is a phone charger integrated in the steering structure, which can make sure you never have to worry about your phone battery.</span></p><p><b>Additionally</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, the bike frame is made of </span><b>100% recyclable aluminium</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, and the integrated battery can be replaced. This means that the maintenance team will not have to load the bikes to the warehouse every time, which significantly </span><b>reduces carbon dioxide emissions</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> and allows you to maintain an attractive price for the service. </span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">The Bolt e-bikes can also be rented through</span><b> the Bolt app</b><span style="font-weight: 400">, the same way as the scooters. The electric bikes cost </span><b>€</b><b>0,13</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> per minute. </span></p><h4><b>Trails of Kaunas</b></h4><p><a href=""><b>“Like Bike Kaunas”</b></a><span style="font-weight: 400"> is an initiative, striving to brand Kaunas as the first city in the Baltic states </span><b>fully adapted</b><span style="font-weight: 400"> for cyclists. Like Bike aims to make the bicycle a common means of transport in the Kaunas region. <br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400">One of the ways this initiative hopes to achieve its goal is by establishing </span><b>new bike routes </b><span style="font-weight: 400">around Kaunas. Here’s a few of the many routes you can try out:</span></p><ul><li><b>“Miesto Širdis” (“The Heart of the City”) route - </b><span style="font-weight: 400">This 6.5 km route winds through the very center of the city, the heart of Kaunas.The scenic route will showcase the true face of Kaunas: full of photogenic interwar architecture, pleasant bustle, nature, and flowing rivers. You can diversify your trip by cooling off at the fountains, stopping for a picnic in Santaka Park or grabbing a coffee in one of the many cafes. </span></li><li><b>“The Romantic Way” route - </b><span style="font-weight: 400">The Pažaislis monastery, the surrounding pine forest, and the yacht club are all located around the scenic Kaunas lagoon, connected by the “The Romantic Way” cycling route. This new bike path allows you to immerse yourself in nature. If you get hungry along the way, you can stop for lunch at the restaurant located in the yacht club or enjoy a romantic picnic by the water. The route is approximately 3 km long, making it a perfect route for a date after work. </span></li><li><b>“The Weekend Challenge” - </b>T<span style="font-weight: 400">his cycling route offers a great way to kickstart your weekend, providing both a leisurely experience and a challenge for those seeking a longer ride. The 20 kilometre route, connecting Kaunas to Zapyškis, showcases some of the most beautiful views of the forest and the river. Along the way, cyclists can take a break at a grill area in Kačergė, a great spot to relax and recharge. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">The floating pier of Kačerginė is also worth visiting.At the last stop of the route, you’ll be greeted by the charming town of Zapyškis, with its historic homes and the unique Zapyškis church.</span></li></ul><h4><b>Sources (Bike and Scooter Renting)</b></h4><ul><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">150-modern-e-bikes-have-arrived-in-kaunas-they-will-work-on-the-principle-of-scooters-rental</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">dviraciu-takams-iki-2027-uju-numatyta-100-mln-euru</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">bolt-elektriniai-paspirtukai-ir-kaune</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">bolt-paspirtuku-planai</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">kaunas-on-a-bike-routes-tips-and-more</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">marsrutai</span></a></li></ul><h4><b>Discovering Kaunas by Water</b></h4><p><span style="font-weight: 400">In the summer of 2023, water transport in Kaunas saw a 48% increase in usage compared to 2022, with the ferry “Nevėžis” becoming increasingly popular. This shows that both residents and visitors are eager to connect with the outstanding natural surroundings of Kaunas through a more fun way of travelling by water transport. Additionally, exploring the region by water allows you to discover the charming towns along the banks of the Nemunas river.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400">As a city defined by its rivers and lakes, it is important that Kaunas allows travellers to enjoy its waterways. Here’s a brief overview of the ferry and boat rides available to you:</span></p><ul><li><b>The ferry “Nevėžis”- </b><span style="font-weight: 400">“Nevėžis” offers cyclists and pedestrians a convenient way to cross the Nemunas river. It transports passengers from the historic town of Zapyškis, located on the left bank of the river, to Kulautuva on the opposite side, and back. The ferry operates from May to September, though specific beginning and end dates may vary each year.<br /></span><span style="font-weight: 400">Currently, the ferry runs from Thursday to Sunday. Tickets for adults are </span><span style="font-weight: 400">€</span><span style="font-weight: 400">1, while children up to 7 years old travel for free.<br /></span><b>More detailed information can be found </b><a href="http://keltas-nevezis"><b>here.</b></a></li><li><b>The ferry “Vilkynė”. </b><span style="font-weight: 400">“Vilkynė” is a motorized river ferry that regularly transports passengers and vehicles across the Nemunas river, connecting Vilkija (Kaunas district) with Pavilkija in the Šakiai district. The ferry can accommodate 7-8 cars with a carrying capacity of 40 tons. It operates 180 days a year, from May to early November.. A single ticket is </span><span style="font-weight: 400">€</span><span style="font-weight: 400">1, while crossing with a car (including passengers inside the vehicle) costs </span><span style="font-weight: 400">€6.<br /></span><b>Working hours: </b><span style="font-weight: 400">May, June, July, August, September: Monday-Sunday 7-20:30 p.m. </span><span style="font-weight: 400">October, November: Monday- Sunday 7-19:30 p.m.<br /></span><b>More detailed information can be found </b><a href=""><b>here.</b></a><b> </b></li><li><b>The boat “Zapyškis”<br /></b>Excursions on the Nemunas river are a great opportunity to explore the unique towns within the ​​Kaunas district. Sailing aboard the modern and comfortable boat “Zapyškis”, you will enjoy breathtaking views of the ever-changing riverbank scenery. For those seeking a peaceful escape from the city, the boat offers trips to the nature-rich and architecturally significant towns of Kačerginė, Kulautuva, and Vilkija. The boat operates from May through October.<br />This boat can also be privately rented for larger groups, costing €100 per hour during weekdays and €150 per hour on weekends. Additional services include short 45-minute <a href="">sightseeing cruises</a> at  €5 per adult ticket,  Sunday trips from Zapyškis to Kačerginė at the same price, and guided excursions to Kačerginė or Kulautuva, which must be booked in advance.<br /><b>More detailed information can be found </b><a href=""><b>here.</b></a><b> </b></li></ul><h4><b>Sources (Water transport)</b></h4><ul><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">vandens-turizmas</span></a></li><li><a href=""><span style="font-weight: 400">water-tourism</span></a></li></ul>
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