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Food production and consumption

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Food production and consumptionFood production and consumption

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Deleted: <h4>Why It Matters</h4><p><em>The way we produce and consume food has a significant impact on the environment. From the carbon footprint of transporting goods to the use of pesticides and water in agriculture, our food choices shape the planet's future.</em></p><h4>Local Tips</h4><h4>Avoid Supermarkets</h4><p>Try to shop at local markets and smaller shops rather than large supermarket chains. This supports local producers and reduces the environmental impact associated with large-scale distribution.</p><h4>Map of Farmers Markets and Shops</h4><p>Burgas has several farmers' markets and local shops where you can buy fresh produce. Supporting these markets helps reduce transportation emissions and promotes local agriculture.</p><h4>Don’t Wash All the Fruits and Vegetables Right Away</h4><p>Washing all your fruits and vegetables immediately can reduce their shelf life. Only wash the ones you plan to eat soon to avoid unnecessary waste.</p><h4>List and Prioritize</h4><p>Before shopping, make a list of what you already have and prioritize using the most perishable items first. This will help reduce food waste and save money.</p>Added: <p class="cvGsUA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Burgas has a network of small local businesses offering different healthy food, which in turn supports the community and reduces the overal environmental footprint. All around the city, you’ll find shops selling fresh, locally sourced meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This reduces the need for long-distance transportation of foods, cutting down on food waste and packaging materials.</span></p><p class="cvGsUA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"> </p><p class="cvGsUA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">While in the ciy a great place to shop for fresh, seasonal produce is Krasnodar Market. It’s open every day from 7 AM to 7 PM, and is the biggest and most popular market in Burgas, located in the Vuzrajdane neighborhood, which is around 5 minutes from the city center. The market is has local farmers selling their produce, which is everything from fruits and vegetables to fresh fish and meats. It’s a great spot to buy actually “eco” foods and to support locals. Of course, there are other smaller markets around the city, but Krasnodar is the biggest, most fully stocked and really beatiful mrket of the city.</span></p><p class="cvGsUA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"> </p><p class="cvGsUA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Burgas is also making progress in reducing plastic waste, thanks to the Blue Label initiative. This program shows the restaurants and cafes that are against single-use plastics like straws, bags, and cutlery. Some of the best Blue Label spots in the city include:</span></p><ul><li><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Butlers Coffee &amp; Kitchen</span></li><li><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">St. Anastasia Island</span></li><li><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">Caffetteria Milano</span></li><li><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">“Golden Fish” Restaurant</span></li></ul><p class="cvGsUA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"> </p><p class="cvGsUA direction-ltr align-start para-style-body"><span class="OYPEnA font-feature-liga-off font-feature-clig-off font-feature-calt-off text-decoration-none text-strikethrough-none">These places offer eco-friendly alternatives to plastic and source all of their produve from locals.</span></p>
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