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Food production and consumption

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Food production and consumptionFood production and consumption

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Deleted: <h4>Why It Matters</h4><p>The way we produce and consume food has a significant impact on the<br />environment. From the carbon footprint of transporting goods to the use of pesticides and<br />water in agriculture, our food choices shape the planet's future.</p><h4>Local Tips</h4><h4>Avoid Supermarkets</h4><p>Try to shop at local markets and smaller shops rather than large supermarket chains. This supports local producers and reduces the environmental impact associated with large-scale distribution.</p><h4><br />Map of Farmers Markets and Shops</h4><p>Burgas has several farmers' markets and local shops where you can buy fresh produce. Supporting these markets helps reduce transportation emissions and promotes local agriculture.</p><h4>Don’t Wash All the Fruits and Vegetables Right Away</h4><p>Washing all your fruits and vegetables immediately can reduce their shelf life. Only wash the ones you plan to eat soon to avoid unnecessary waste.</p><h4>List and Prioritize</h4><p>Before shopping, make a list of what you already have and prioritize using the most perishable items first. This will help reduce food waste and save money.</p> Added: <h4>Why It Matters</h4><p><em>The way we produce and consume food has a significant impact on the environment. From the carbon footprint of transporting goods to the use of pesticides and water in agriculture, our food choices shape the planet's future.</em></p><h4>Local Tips</h4><h4>Avoid Supermarkets</h4><p>Try to shop at local markets and smaller shops rather than large supermarket chains. This supports local producers and reduces the environmental impact associated with large-scale distribution.</p><h4>Map of Farmers Markets and Shops</h4><p>Burgas has several farmers' markets and local shops where you can buy fresh produce. Supporting these markets helps reduce transportation emissions and promotes local agriculture.</p><h4>Don’t Wash All the Fruits and Vegetables Right Away</h4><p>Washing all your fruits and vegetables immediately can reduce their shelf life. Only wash the ones you plan to eat soon to avoid unnecessary waste.</p><h4>List and Prioritize</h4><p>Before shopping, make a list of what you already have and prioritize using the most perishable items first. This will help reduce food waste and save money.</p>
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