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Deleted: Added: <h4><strong>Why It Matters</strong></h4><p> Energy consumption is a major contributor to climate change. Reducing energy use and opting for renewable sources can significantly lower carbon emissions.</p><h4><strong>Local Tips</strong></h4><h4>Map of Charging Stations</h4><p>[Map to be inserted] There are electric vehicle charging stations throughout Burgas. Use this map to find the nearest charging point for your electric car.</p><h4>Your Building Can Apply for Government-Funded Insulation</h4><p>To reduce energy consumption, consider applying for government funding to insulate your building. Proper insulation reduces the need for heating and cooling, saving energy and lowering your utility bills.</p><h4>Energy-Efficient Appliances</h4><p>Use energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to reduce electricity consumption.</p><h4>Renewable Energy</h4><p>Explore the possibility of installing solar panels on your home. Burgas’s sunny climate makes it ideal for solar energy.</p><h4>Conservation Habits</h4><p>Turn off lights and unplug devices when not in use. Small actions can lead to significant energy savings.</p>
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